Whats the difference between normal unit and a temperature controlled unit

Getting a Storage Units Lafayette CO storage unit can be a hard decision to make, and there are some things to consider after making this choice. Researching the different types of storage units can help you make an educated decision on what type of unit you want. There are your typical storage units or there are temperature controlled units. Temperature controlled units are great for delicate items that need to be kept in specific conditions so they can be preserved. If you just need to store bulky everyday things that do not need specific conditions then go for a typical storage unit. 


You may think you do not need a temperature controlled unit for your delicate items, and while this is technically true a temperature controlled unit is the key to keeping your belongings in prime condition. Storing things in boxes in certain conditions can cause mold, mildew, or other pests to infest your belongings and cause damage. A temperature controlled unit eliminates some of the factors that contribute to damaging your belongings. It will regulate the temperature and humility to keep your belongings from becoming too hot, cold, or wet. Some examples of damage that comes without a temperature controlled unit include: when furniture gets too hot it may begin to warp, items made from paper get damaged and become usable when there is humidity, and furniture can become wet and mildew can form. 


Here is a guideline for what types of things will benefit from being stored in a temperature controlled unit. 

  • Electronics: technology is volatile and gets damaged very easily. 
  • Furniture: Hot or Cold temperatures will warp furniture and make it unusable
  • Artwork: Humidity tends to make artwork become droopy and nothing like it was when you bought it.
  • Books/other things made out of or with paper: humidity makes books damp which can cause mildew and mold to form, in addition to the pages losing their crisp shape. 

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