Simplify Your Life Using Self Storage

Simplifying life is becoming more and more important in today’s hectic, busy world. A great wait to simplify is by renting a self storage unit. In addition to being a extra place where you can store excess stuff, self storage in Lafayette CO is also a great way to keep life organized and decluttered. In this blog article we’ll share several ways self storage can help you with a more organized, simplified life.

1. Decluttering & Gaining More Space:

A first step to simplifying your life is decluttering your life and where you live. We tend to hang on to stuff based on feelings. Something might be completely useless but it’s sentimental or we might think we’ll need it down the road. With a self storage unit you can keep these items while at the same time not having them take up your living space. And there are those seasonal items or items you’ve held onto for when you have a larger home. Great things to store safely in your storage unit.

2. Seasonal Items:

This was touched on briefly already. Holiday decorations, winter sportswear or things like snow skis or snowboards, and summer gear like sleeping bags, tents, bikes, scooters, kayaks, paddleboards, etc…can take up a ton of space in your home or garage. Moving your seasonal items to a secure self storage unit and keeping these seasonal items organized in your storage unit can help you move them in out based on seasonal needs. By doing this, you will free up space and not have a disorganized room in your house or apartment or a cluttered garage. It’s surprising how many people don’t actually park their cars in their garages due to their garage being too full of seasonal stuff. Get a storage unit. Your cars will thank you.

3. Big Life Changes:

One thing you can count on in life is change. We are constantly in motion and at times face major life transitions like moving, downsizing or even a temporary relocation. When life is in flux, it can be a great time to rent a self storage unit. You might even have a car you need to store vs selling. Knowing that you have somewhere safe to keep your belongings can go a long way to reducing stress and help you from getting overwhelmed at a time when things are in motion and already present additional stress.

4. Minimalism:

Minimalism has really taken off. Even the most rigid, determined minimalist will still have certain highly sentimentla items that they don’t want to get rid of but that no longer fit into their drastically reduced living space and drastically reduced life. With self storage, a minimalist can still keep those important items. We offer 5×5 or 5×10 self storage units that could be a great size for a minimalist so they don’t have to get rid of certain highly cherished things.

5. Home Design Changes:

When redecorating your home you might want a new couch or lamps as examples but not want to get rid of the old ones. Maybe you will rotate through a variety of furnishings and decorations. Use a self storage unit to keep the stuff you are replacing and have it stored securely and n an organized fashion so it will be easy to furnish and decorate your home with these items when you’re ready to rotate them back in.

6. Home Renovations:

The list could go on and on but we’ll end with a mention of home improvement projects. When doing big or small renovations, you will need somewhere to keep all your stuff from getting dusty or dirty. With a self storage unit, you will have the flexibility to move your stuff out of the way temporarily. Not only will this protect your belongings but it will also free up space and reduce clutter  that will make it easier to work on your home renovation project.

To sum it up, a self storage unit can serve so many purposes to help you simplify your life. Self Storage will help you stay more organized and reduce clutter.

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