Self-Storing a Vintage Vehicle

Vintage vehicle owners will confess that these are some of their most valuable belongings, both in terms of monetary value and sentimentality. Still, sometimes one wants their garage full of functional vehicles, and might be forced to find alternative options for Self-Storage in Lafayette CO their vintage collection. A storage unit immediately comes to mind, but how does one make sure their vehicle remains in the best shape away from their garage where they can keep a constant eye on it?

Here are some helpful tips;


One of the most destructive natural elements to vintage cars is moisture. One of the ways to reduce the effect of his on the vehicle, especially when the storage period is going to be long, is to have the gas tank full. A full gas tank prevents the formation of moisture in the space in the gas tank, and prevents the sediment that forms at the bottom of the tank to move along the fuel line. Use fresh, high octane fuel and consider adding fuel stabilizer.

Jack the vehicle

This seems unconventional, but jacking the car up actually helps when it comes to adding longevity. This is a trick that works as much at home in one’s garage as it does in a self-storage unit. Jacking the car reduces chances of flat spots, and relieves the suspension of duty. Considering how fragile most vintage vehicle suspensions are, when it does not have to support the entire weight of the car, it will last longer.

Oil change

This seems obvious, but is worth stating that oil changes should not be delayed. Old oil is full of corrosives and water, and this can lead to rust and bearing failure. Depending on how long the car is to be left in storage, it might be prudent to remove the spark plugs.

Wash the car

Make sure the car is thoroughly washed. The aesthetic appeal of the car is as valuable for the vintage vehicles as the interior and performance. Make sure the car is thoroughly washed to protect the paint, Remove especially any salt and road debris, and have the car dried thoroughly before driving it into the storage unit. It might also be helpful to apply a protective coat of wax.

Most of the time, there are many options available for storing vintage vehicles, but it is important to go with experience. At Elite storage, we have a team of knowledgeable and experienced experts and state of the art facilities. Contact us to have your vintage vehicle stored safely.

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