Rules for decluttering your Kid’s Room

A child’s room is often known to be a disaster zone. With the large amounts of clothing and toys it seems like a never ending mess at the end of each day. While you try and keep up on the cleanliness and organization of your kid’s room there are some rules you should be following to keep it clean.


Involve your Child

Nothing is worse than picking up a mess you didn’t make. Having your child involved in the organization and cleaning process of their room is critical if you want to keep that room clean. Younger children usually jump at the opportunity to help you with the household chores. Make it into a game and they will enjoy the time they spend with you while cleaning their room.


Give Stuff a Home

The key to cleanliness is organization. Having a “home” for all of your child’s clothing and toys will make it easier for them to put away when it is time to clean up. Purchasing and labeling bins and storage units can help your child to place everything where it is supposed to go at the end of the day. If you find you are lacking in the space needed to have everything organized in your child’s room, a storage unit at Elite Storage in Lafayette, CO can help. We can provide you with the space and security you need to store those memorable items for you child.


It’s Ok to Let Go

As children get older they will outgrow a large amount of clothing and toys. Let them know it is ok to let go of what they don’t want anymore. Sort through their clothes and toys every once and a while with them and see if you can find some items you can donate, place in storage, or trash all together.


Bottom Up

When cleaning with your child it is always best to give them a place to start and work from there. Starting the cleaning process from the floor up is always the best option. This will give you the room you need to reach the rest of the bedroom that needs to be cleaned.


Lead by Example

Your child is always watching and learning from you. Lead by example and express your joy when you clean up your space. They will want to have a clean space just like you. Have them help you with other areas of the house as well. Soon they will get into the habit of keeping their space clean, just as you keep yours clean as well.


Keeping the above rules will help you and your child get in the routine of keeping a clean home. If you can’t seem to declutter as much as you would like due to the lack of space, a storage unit from Elite Storage in Lafayette, CO can be the answer. We pride ourselves on helping you with any of your storage needs. Call us today for more information on how our facility can help you.

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