How to Organize your Small Home
As you may have noticed, there has been an increased interest in tiny house living and small homes. This is widely due to the costs of living increasing and realizing we don’t need large amounts of space to feel comfortable in your own home. What you do need is to stay organized and keep the items that you just don’t need every day in a storage unit at Elite Storage in Lafayette, CO. We have provided you with some helpful ideas to get you through the process of organizing your small home.
Purge and Declutter Often
The key to staying organized in a small home is to purge and declutter often. We tend to accumulate a lot of stuff as the year goes on, which means less available space in your small home. Make it a habit to go through your items and donate or store what you just aren’t using. A good example of this is rotating seasonal clothing and décor. As you a purging and sorting through your items you will want to get into the system of sorting them into stuff you want to keep, store, donate, or toss. This gives you a visual representation of how much you are keeping and how much space you are opening up in your small living space.
Separate Rooms into Zones
Smaller homes don’t usually give you the separation of rooms with walls and long hallways. You are usually given an open concept living space that contains your living and dining room all in one area. To help you in distinguishing your living room from your dining room and kitchen you can create zones. Using storage carts and strategically placed rugs will help to give you an idea of what goes where and the separation.
Get Items off of the Floor
Small homes equal small floor space. To keep your home feeling clean and organized you will want to keep as many items up off of the floor as possible. Bookshelves, shelves, and hanging organizers are a great way to accomplish this. Use any available wall space to keep your items organized and away from foot traffic.
Living in a smaller home doesn’t need to be a hassle. With a good organizational plan and some diligence when it comes to decluttering you can have a comfortable and functional home. To help you accomplish this task make sure you check into renting one of our many storage units at Elite Storage in Lafayette, CO. Call or stop by our facility today to learn more.