How to Help your Child Move for College

With the new semester about to start you will want to help your college bound child get settled in their new living space. To help you with that process you may need to rent a storage unit from Elite Storage in Lafayette, CO to hold all of the items they can’t take with them to college. We have also gathered some steps you might want to take to help your child’s move to their new college as easy and stress free as possible.

Sort and Organize

Dorm rooms are often cramped and won’t be able to hold all of one’s belongings. It is important to sort and organize your child’s belongings into what will be essential for college. Stick to the basics. For all of the other items sort into what you will store and what you can donate. This will start the college moving transition on the right foot.

Scope your Space

Check out the floor plan of your child’s future dorm or living space. It might be necessary to buy amenities that aren’t included. Such things will consist of fans, mini fridges, microwaves, and closet organizers.

Set up Utilities

Help your child transition into adult hood and give them a crash course on setting up their utilities. Many college dorms and apartments will need phone and internet set in place. Doing this before the move will help alleviate stress for your child.

Avoid the Moving Rush

If possible, try and move your child in mid-week or a few days before the semester starts. Many students will move in the weekend before the start of term. Moving mid-week will allow extra time to get organized and used to the new environment your child will be spending most of their time in.


It is important to remember to only bring what is necessary. Comfy basic clothes, bedding, and organizational storage are essential. Don’t over load your move with unnecessary décor, clothing, accessories, and furniture. The cleaner the room, the more relaxing the space. If something is forgotten don’t fret. Many college stores on campus carry the dorm necessities you may have left at home.

Be resourceful

When packing the essentials make sure to be resourceful when it comes to packing those fragile items. Old newspaper, towels, and even thick clothing can be wrapped around those items that tend to break. This makes clean up easy and moving cheap.

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