How to Downsize your Home

Life changes more often than we expect it to. If one of those life changes includes downsizing your home you want to make sure you have the necessary tools to do so. A storage unit at Elite Storage in Lafayette, CO can help. We have provided some tips for you to consider when you are going through the downsizing process.


Determine your Needs

Before you begin the downsizing process you will want to walk through your home and determine what you really need in order to live comfortably day to day. A lot of the items we tend to accumulate will sit and collect dust because of unmet plans or goals. Get rid of what you aren’t using right now and store what you think you might use in the future.


Go through Everything

When you are preparing to move and downsize your living situation you will want to empty out every cupboard, drawer, and closet to see what you have been keeping in your home over the years. Sort your items into specific piles determining what you will keep, toss, donate or store. Be picky and only keep what you really need.


Measure your New Space

Before you start to haul over all of the furniture and items you are wanting to take with you to your new home, you will want to make sure you have enough room. Measure your existing furniture to make sure you are able to fit it in your new space while giving you enough room for storage. You might want to consider selling your original furniture for pieces that allow for more space in your home.



When downsizing you are going to be forced to get creative with your available storage space and organization. As you move into your new home you will want to organize as you go. The better you organize the space the better you can maintain the cleanliness of your home.

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