Have You Started Your Seedlings Yet?

After a particularly long winter, as the month of February winds up, I am more than ready for spring. Of course, as an experienced Coloradoan, I know that there remains some more winter weather invading spring, but I still get the hankering for some outdoor time nonetheless. One of my favorite ways to prepare for spring is to start my plants from seed so that come May, and we know that the traditional Colorado safe date for planting is always the weekend of Mother’s Day. Since folks here at Elite Storage, your hometown leader of Lafayette storage units, love my homegrown veggies, I like to get a jump on the season. 

I have always begun my seeds the last week of February to transplant outdoors in May. There is something so satisfying as seeing the tiny sprouts peeking from their tiny spots in my sprouting tray. Of course, this sounds all too perfect, doesn’t it? I mean, I grow my own veggies, sprout them in advance, and all of that. I must share what happened last year though to keep me humble! 

My grandson, who was 3 at the time, had come over to visit and I took him to see the seedlings. He was duly and properly fascinated with the whole process, and we went back to the kitchen to have a snack. I was feeling properly satisfied that he might pick up my love of gardening.  

I’d carefully explained to him that we’d plant these plants into my garden, and he could come help me with the harvest. My phone rang and I left my grandson with some toast and a coloring page while I went into the other room to visit with my friend. OK, so here’s the deal – I have 7 children and 3 grandkids so far. I know better than to leave a 3-year-old sitting in a different room than me for more than a second or two. As is the case with small people, curiosity took over. 

When I returned to him, and I swear it was less than 5 minutes, he’d been very busy. I saw the tell-tale signs of muddy little fingerprints and ran for my little plant nursery. He’d decided to water Nonna’s plants, effectively flooding them all. Needless to say, he was very proud of himself and even though I wanted to cry, I smiled, gave his muddy little self a hug, and had a good laugh about a Nonna foible. 

What’s your favorite thing to plant? Come let me know at Elite Storage and while you’re here visiting, check out our temperature controlled storage in Lafayette.   

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