Boost Your Budget and Strengthen Your Local Economy by Staycationing

Kids and teachers alike are counting the days, hours, and minutes before they finish the school year and adjourn for the summer. There are two types of parents – those who dread summer vacation, and those who secretly dread summer vacation, but pretend that they don’t. All kidding aside, summer vacation isn’t all bad, and can be quite enjoyable.

Many families are trading an expensive summer trip to a more budget-conscious staycation. Whether planning a staycation or a big trip, there are a few rules that I try to maintain. I grew up in a small town and we always shopped, ate at, and were clients of many mom-and-pop businesses. As the area grew, and they all seem to, I saw these shops, restaurants, barber shops, etc. unable to remain open as the big-box stores came into town. Because of this, I try and support small and local businesses whenever possible. It’s the same when we travel. We make it an adventure to try to seek out the local businesses while away from home.

Discover local treasures

Every town has them, and Lafayette is no different. We regularly reflect on the unique flavor of our small town in the heart of Boulder County. Not far from Elite Storage units in Lafayette, we can dine at delicious local restaurants or visit locally-owned businesses. There are many that are unknown to those on the outside, and are truly hidden gems, beckoning us to indulge.

Support the local economy

No doubt that the small, locally-owned and operated business is a slowly-vanishing breed. We’ve lost several over the years that I’ve managed our Lafayette storage units. Staycationing gives us the opportunities to get out of our comfort zone, treating Lafayette as if you’ve never been here before.

Tips to the best staycation ever

  • Make sure that you treat your staycation as a break. Continuing in the same “at home” mode will not give you or your family the break that you need. Do you sleep in on vacation or jump up and get going? What types of activities do you like on vacation? Can you find similar ones near home?
  • Even though you live in Lafayette, research and plan as if you were planning a trip elsewhere. Brainstorm a list of all the things nearby that you want to do and go ahead and do them.
  • Choose one day trip to someplace close by. You can visit Rocky Mountain National Park, Waneka Lake Park, go for a hike in the Flatirons, or head over to Denver for a day at Elitch Gardens.
  • Take pictures, buy souvenirs, and have a great time getting to know area attractions. After all, people flock to see Colorado as tourists, so we may as well have a ball as the lucky few who are full-time residents of the Centennial State.
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