Back to school

The summer has finally come to an end, and it is time to go back to school. This is both sad and happy. You get some peace and quiet in your house, but you also do not see your kids as much. It can be hard to get your family back into your school year routine. Most families have to adjust to waking up earlier, preparing lunch, getting backpacks ready, and getting out the door. Once your kids are off and gone at school, you can use the free time to get cleaning or errands (like reorganizing your Lafayette Storage Units) done. Then you have to pick your kids up, and deal with the craziness of getting homework done, running your kids to their various activities, and making sure everyone eats dinner. 


Finding ways to entertain your kids after school can be challenging. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started: 


Most kids love being creative. Arts and crafts is a great way for kids to create whatever they want, without making a big mess. Another great option is letting them play with non-toxic dough or slime. They can make their own little world using the dough. It will let them use their imagination. The possibilities for fun are limitless. 


Let your kids play outside. Playing outdoors lets kids get out all the energy they have from sitting down all day in school. It also gets them outside enjoying the fresh air. There are organized club or city league sports that can help your children stay active. Playing sports can improve coordination and help kids develop better teamwork skills. They can connect with other kids that share the same interest as them, and make new friends. 


We hope you have a fun start to the school year. 

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