Back to School Storage Solutions

It’s that time of year where several of us are either getting the kids all ready for their first day back at school or preparing for school ourselves. Summer went by faster than we wanted it to and it’s hard to believe it’s that time already but this is also a good opportunity to get organized. Your Lafayette storage solution has put together some back to school storage solutions just for you.

Stacking Drawers

You can buy plastic stacking drawers at most general stores and fortunately, they’re pretty affordable. You can also buy them in several different sizes and shapes to meet your needs. You will soon be accumulating books and papers and stacking drawers are a great thing to have on hand for storage. Just put them in the bedroom against the wall and store all of your school items in one handy spot.

Shoe Sorter

Consider investing in a shoe sorter for all of your back to school shoes you’ll be purchasing. Find something that you can hang from the ceiling or put against the wall on your closet door. Hanging your shoes up will save you quite a bit of room as having that pile of shoes on the floor is not only messy, it takes up a lot of space.

More Bookshelves

If you find yourself just stacking books on random tables throughout your home, it may be time to invest in some more bookshelves. Your family will be acquiring books throughout the school year so it’s a good idea to have somewhere to put them. If you have kids bedrooms, it’s smart to get a bookshelf for every room so that each kid has somewhere to put their own books and stay organized.

Weekly Clothes Organizer

If you have kids, you probably know how much time it can take to find them outfits every morning. It’s hard enough having to pick out clothes for yourself! Set aside some closet space and designate some space for each day of the week before labeling it. Then pick out outfits at the beginning of the week so that you’ll have clothes ready to go every single day. This small change will save you lots of time in the morning that would otherwise be spent trying to find the perfect outfit.

Go Through Backpacks Daily

It’s amazing just how much stuff can accumulate in a backpack if ignored. It’s a good idea to go through backpacks every single day to clear out unneeded items and throw away trash. This will also help to ensure that homework doesn’t get lost in a sea of papers. Staying organized as you go will make life a lot easier in the long run.

As always, if you still find yourself short on space, we’ll help you find a storage unit that works for you. At Elite Storage, we strive to be your total Lafayette storage solution. We hope these tips help make back to school a lot easier because we know that it can be a stressful time of year.

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